Jesus for a Secular Age?


Jesus for a Secular Age? A close look at whether the stories of Jesus have anything to offer us today.

Brought up within a Christian family and attending a boarding school with a very narrow Bible-based Christian heritage, it took Leslie Scrase until his forties to break free. Now with many grandchildren who have no religious beliefs at all, he has found himself looking at the biblical gospel stories again and asking whether Jesus has any relevance at all in this increasingly irreligious and secular age.

ISBN: 9781852002114

Size: 217x135mm 

Binding: paperback 

Length: 83pp

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About the author:

Leslie Scrase

The author was born in Addiscombe, East Croydon. He was evacuated in 1939 and again in 1940, which led to his attendance at Selhurst Grammar School followed by Shebbear College in North Devon. 

Following National Service in the Royal Navy he went to Richmond College, London University. Trained as a Methodist Minister, he worked in many places around Britain and also in South India, where he was Principal of an adult training college. 

When his views on theology changed, Leslie Scrase left his Ministry and created his own business in Surrey: Alpha Cars, a chauffeur driven service mostly for businessmen and the stars. In 1996 he left this business to concentrate on his work as a Humanist Celebrant, lecturer and author. 

His published books include a number of thought-provoking commentaries dealing with Humanism and theology, fiction for both adults and children, poetry and three autobiographical fiction accounts:

Twice married, he and Wendy share over twenty grandchildren. In their spare time they are to be found at their home in Dorset.